Ukraine / Poland Border Refugee Effort
(Photo Album Below)
Dear Love Says Go family,
Debby and I were so privileged to join our dear friend Ben Fitzgerald with Awakening Europe and CfaN in Ukraine last week. It was one of the most impacting weeks of my life. We have never cried so much hearing the tragic stories and yet have never seen the gospel so gloriously shine in the darkness.
There were dozens of volunteers serving from many nations on these teams to minister to the Ukrainians at the border. Practical needs were met along with most importantly spiritual needs that are eternal.
Hands and Feet of Jesus
There were many organized teams to serve. Some teams helped with feeding at the bus station and at that Ukraine border. Teams go to the refugee camps, others minister to the lines at the borders. Teams board the busses and share Jesus before they cross into Poland. Some teams ride the train from the border 2.5 hours into Krakow Poland to love on the refugees. Eyes fill with tears when there hear that Jesus loves them that is why He sent us to them.
Awakening Europe and CfaN is the only effort at the border that is not only targeting physical needs but also spiritual needs bringing them Jesus! This is really so special and eternally important that they can cross the border with Jesus the Good Shepherd!
A Great Harvest
In the last 4 weeks, over 8,500 decisions for Jesus were made. Each one of these decisions is a person that is so precious to God! I have never seen anything like it. We witnessed entire buses respond to the gospel of salvation. Many Ukrainians know about the orthodox church but they have never heard the gospel of salvation and never have made a personal decision for Christ’s salvation. Most people we would share the gospel with would want to receive Jesus as their personal Savior! In the pics below when hands are raised, it is them responding “Yes” to a gospel message. My heart is still breaking for these Ukrainians and this most terrible crisis yet we praise Jesus that He is near to the brokenhearted.
Love Says Go is also supporting food trucks bringing food and supplies into cities and local churches in Ukraine that are really in dire need.
Prayer Points
Pray for peace for Ukraine
Pray for more workers and translators
Pray for safety & health for the teams that are serving
Pray for more divine strategies to serve and reach the refugees
A Huge Thank You
Thank you Awakening Europe and CfaN for going and establishing this great initiative for Jesus!
Thank you Love Says Go family for all your prayers and financial support that help fuel what Jesus is doing in Ukraine.
Much love, Jason & Debby