Jason & Debby Chin, Leaders of Love Says Go Ministries and Love Says Go Academy.

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are leaders of Love Says Go Ministries and Love Says Go Academy. Jason is a graduate of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministries and oversaw a BSSM outreach for 6 years. He was licensed and ordained through Bethel Church in Redding CA in 2016. Jason speaks at international conferences, where he equips and activates the church to walk in power and love.

Debby graduated from Rhema Bible Training Center, Hillsong Leadership College and has her BA in social work. Her desire is to see the kingdom of God impact the church and business sectors.

Together they live in Basel Switzerland and have committed their lives for the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Lesson 11 - Being Lead by the Spirit


Chris Overstreet, Bethel Church and Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry outreach pastor


April Lewis, Senior leader and founder at Renovate Church and TBSSM school