3 Ways to Overcome Fear of Man Through God's Love!

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This is a 3 part video series to help you get free from the fear of man, when you desire to share Jesus with others.

I used to be so afraid to share Jesus with people that I skipped my first 4 weeks of outreach at our supernatural ministry school in Redding, California. Ironically (though this is how God often works), I later became a main overseer for the same outreach I used to skip. Praise God! Jesus set me free from fear of man that wanted to keep me contained and constrained.

I truly believe that every believer has a natural desire to share Jesus with others, but fear will try to keep us locked up and restricted from doing so. I believe that this practical 3 part video series can help you also to experience greater freedom through God's unfailing love. No longer will you be bound, but you will be free to reach out to others with Jesus!

Video one

The God Nudge

(3 mins)

Video two

The 3 Second Rule

(2 mins)

Video three

Eyes of Our Heart

(3 mins)

I am convinced, the greatest way to grow in love and get past fear is to get a greater revelation of how loved we are apart from any performance.

Here in our online school of supernatural ministry LSGA, Evangelism is not our #1 focus, love is! Receiving God's unconditional love for ourselves is our biggest goal. When we really get that revelation, fear runs out the door! Yay Jesus!

1 John 4:8, "There is no fear in love, because perfect love expels all fear".

We have another upcoming blog post in which we will share practical ways to receive God's love to a greater degree. I am so excited about that one!

Our next blog will be a BRAND NEW training video on How to Prophecy...Stay tuned!

Thank you and much love in Jesus, Jason


Pray about joining our next online school of ministry named Fearless 2017! This class is designed to get rid of the fear of man in our lives that tries to limit us.

Here is a coupon to save on this upcoming class.


'NEW! ⚡️ How to Prophesy ⚡️ Supernatural Training


Jesus Miracles in Basel Switzerland