Fear of missing God's voice?


Have you ever felt fear of not hearing God’s voice or missing your destiny in God?

I have heard many people share one of their greatest fears is missing God’s voice and His leading in their lives.

Of course, this is such an important topic to any follower of Jesus Christ. That is why we are called “followers” because we are following the leading of His Holy Spirit.

There are 2 main things that I believe can help alleviate undue fears of not hearing God’s voice or missing your destiny in God.

#1 Reason

The first is understanding the correct meaning of God’s “plan” for our lives.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

When we think of God’s plan for our lives we normally think of a detailed road map that we don’t want to get lost on. Or a detailed house plan that every step must be followed to a strict T.

But the word “plans” in Jerimiah 29:11 has a much different meaning. It is the Hebrew word machashabah which has more of a meaning of Gods’ “thoughts” “Intent” and His “purpose” for our life.

It’s that we each have something special inside of us that God wants to share with the world. It’s that we all are made in God’s image but we individually carry a special attribute of God Himself that is unique to be a blessing to our generation.

God’s plan is that we would grow up to be able to shine this Jesus image to the world through our individual God-given giftings. It may be to impact the media through God-inspired movies, reach millions through gospel crusades, change students’ lives as being a Holy Spirit filled teacher, or loving like Jesus to your children raising them up in the Lord.

God is determined for us to become who God intended for us to be. That the purpose of our life would happen.

The problem is if we think there is only one exact road map “plan” to get us to our destination there can be a fear of “missing it” if we accidentally make a wrong turn.

Of course, we are trying to hear God’s voice in every situation. But I used to see God’s plan for my life like I was walking a narrow tight rope hoping not to fall off and hopefully not miss my calling.

Now I see it as God has a GPS locked in on the destiny of my life. If I accidentally miss the turn the Holy Spirit will start “rerouting” me to help me get to my God-given destination in Him.

God’s purpose is that I would grow up to look like Jesus in the unique way He made me. And He will guide my life to become that and get me to all the places I need to go.

#2 Reason

The second main reason people may fear missing God’s voice is that we may not understand the many different ways that God is speaking to us.

“God speaks in different ways, and we don’t always recognize his voice.” Job 33:14

Because of this we are almost finished with a free ebook to help you recognize God’s voice. We believe this will be a great resource for you! Stay tuned for this!

We do not need to fear missing God’s voice! God is the best Father who is great at getting us to our destiny in Him!


“All Eyes on Jesus & All Hands on Deck!” - Heidi Baker
