Miracles, Food and Fun in France Tonight!


Tonight, I took my lovely wife, Debby, and my father and mother "in love," Robert and Edith, out for dinner in France. How cool is that -to take a 20 minute drive to eat in France. Debby's father feels France has the 'best kitchen' in Europe. I love ALL the food over here! The only French food I think I had before this move to Europe was "French fries." (Wink Wink) Ok, back to the story!

After a wonderful meal (The meat was cooked for 4 hours!), Debby wanted to give the cooks a special tip. Robert and Edith went to the kitchen to tell the cooks how incredible the food was and gave them the tip. The restaurant owner and the cooks were so surprised by this.

As Debby and I watched from a distance, I 'felt' that one cook had a problem with his left knee. This Holy Spirit impression came to me as a random thought. There are many ways that God will communicate 'words of knowledge' for healing. Free Words of Knowledge eBook >>

So, we joined the discussion and asked him. He said his "left knee" was currently a 8 pain level out of 10. All three men were so surprised that I had known about his knee. I shared about how Jesus told me and how He was going to heal his knee because of His great love and power.

After the first prayer, the pain down went to a 4. After the second prayer, he said something was moving around inside his knee and almost all the pain was gone. We told him, "Jesus is fixing your knee!" After the 3rd short prayer, he said, "It’s getting really hot inside, and all the pain is gone!" All three men were shocked! We shared that this is what Jesus’ life looked like in the bible and that He is STILL in the miracle working business! During the last prayer, Holy Spirit told me the other cook has a bad back.

We asked and found out his pain was at a 7. Jesus healed his back instantly.  Then the cooks told us the owner had a bad knee too. We prayed, and Jesus took all his pain away, and he felt something moving in his leg too. We went on to share with them the gospel of Jesus and what it means to be saved.

The black cook was already born-again Christian and the other two were Muslims, although not practicing Muslims. Business was almost done for the night there, so we were able to share for quite some time about Jesus being the “son of God,” not just a prophet, as well as His death, burial, resurrection, the blood of Jesus, and the works!

The 2 muslim men said they were not ready to become followers of Jesus, but they also said they had never met any body like us before -people so full of God's love that they go out of their way to help and bless others. In all their years in business, not even one time had anyone come to the kitchen to thank the cooks. They were really in awe of God in us!

Praise Jesus! We will definitely go back to this restaurant for more wonderful food and who knows what else. :) Come on JESUS!


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We got to open air share Jesus to hundreds at a bike market just now! A girl gets saved!