JIM ROGERS, founder of EHP Ministries, sees creative miracles and has raised the dead
Jim Rogers
is President of Experiencing His Presence Ministries. Jim is a Prophetic Healing Evangelist. He travels throughout North America and the World bringing healing, salvation and deliverance to the lost. He has a heart to reach all those who have not heard the Good News. Jim is also affiliated with Leif Hetland from Global Missions Awareness, Randy Clark at Global Awakening, and Bill Johnson from Bethel Church in Redding California. More about Jim: http://www.experiencinghispresence.org/
Lesson 12 - Nothing is Impossible with God
Lesson 12 - Jim Rogers has seen some of the most outstanding notable miracles of God that I have heard of. He personally has seen God raise 5 people from the dead. In this session, your faith will shoot through the roof. A youth group in Argentina, after hearing Jim's message, prayed for a young man that was paralyzed from birth. God healed him and he walked for the very first in his life!