JASON CHIN, founder of Love Says Go Ministries and Love Says Go Academy



is founder of Love Says Go Ministries and Love Says Go Academy. He is a graduate of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministries and oversaw a BSSM outreach for 6 years. Jason was licensed and ordained through Bethel Church in Redding CA in 2016. Jason speaks at international conferences, where he equips and activates the church to walk in power and love. He currently lives in Basel, Switzerland with his lovely wife Debby. Together they have committed their lives for the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ. 


Lessons: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10

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Lesson 1 - The Seed Life. Jason Chin passionately shares the heart of God for people. There is a powerful anointing on this session for students to catch the passion of God towards themselves and the world. This message carries the heart that LSGA is built upon, receiving God's love and then sowing God's love, everywhere we go.

Lesson 2 - Dreaming with God. Jason Chin takes the students on an amazing adventure, in what dreaming with God could look like for themselves. He breaks down limiting mindsets and unlocks possibilities of what a persons destiny in God could really be. 

Lesson 4 - Prophecy & Words of Knowledge. Jason Chin teaches on the gift of Word of Knowledge and the difference between New Covenant and Old Covenant prophecy. This will help you gain more courage in stepping out to hear God's voice for others and to even to ask for specific details.

Lesson 6 - Prophetic Workshop. Jason Chin does a fun and very practical "Hearing God's Voice" workshop. You get to practice hearing God in new ways. There is a real impartation in this lessons for you to go to a new level in the prophetic. Some students started to prophetically get people's names in the marketplace and even important dates to them, like their birthdays.

Lesson 8 - Authority in Christ. Jason Chin show how we can walk in the authority that Christ set up for us. There is a legal right that God established for us in victory through the New Covenant. This lessons helps students to ground their faith in God's word, to see powerful breakthrough in the lives of others.

Lesson 10 - Go of the Gospel. Jason Chin is moved to tears as he shares the importance of the mission of the gospel. He also helps the students understand the burden that is to be carried by the believer and by the Lord himself. There is a real grace for student's hearts to be marked by God's intense love during this session.


BEN FITZGERALD, from Godfest Ministeries, Awakening Europe and Bethel Church